Washington MAST (Mandatory Alcohol Server Training) Practice Exam

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Question: 1 / 50

A person who is tired will tend to become intoxicated _______________.

More slowly

At the same rate

More quickly

Intoxication results from the body's inability to metabolize and eliminate alcohol quickly enough, leading to excess alcohol in the bloodstream. When a person is tired, their metabolism slows down, making it harder for their body to process the alcohol. This causes the person to become intoxicated more quickly, making option C the correct answer. Option A is incorrect because a slower metabolism does not mean alcohol will be metabolized more slowly, but rather it will be metabolized faster than normal, leading to faster intoxication. Option B is incorrect because being tired does not affect the rate of alcohol metabolism, it only affects the speed at which it occurs. Option D is incorrect because alcohol will still be metabolized in the body, just at a slower rate, making intoxication still possible.

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